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When I first joined the workforce in 2014, I had a rather… colorful experience with banking. As a fresh grad who just turned 20 when I started working, I found myself standing in long lines at a local exchange house, waiting to collect my hard-earned salary in cash. Why? Well, the company I worked for couldn’t apply for a bank account for me because I hadn’t reached the magical age of 21 (yes, 21—the legal age in the UAE). Imagine the challenge I faced —one that seems so basic but is, unfortunately, a reality for many even in this modern time.

Before NOW Money, times were different

I remember the frustration and inconvenience of these monthly trips. The hassle, the time wasted, and the lack of options? Bummer. It felt like a chore that took up my valuable time and energy. But I had to do it to get paid. But looking back, I realize that those experiences shaped my appreciation for companies like NOW Money.

Imagine a world where everyone, regardless of their age or background, has access to the same financial services that we often take for granted. That’s the vision that drives NOW Money, and it’s a vision I wholeheartedly believe in.

It is one of the reasons why my role at NOW Money is so close to home.

As an HR professional, I’m proud to be part of a company that champions this cause because, for me, it’s more than just a job—it’s deeply personal. I’ve been there and felt the gap that NOW Money is working to close. We’re not just talking about access to banking; we’re talking about empowering people, providing dignity, and making financial inclusion a reality.

Making the experience easier for others

Our commitment to financial inclusion resonates deeply with me, especially given my personal experiences. I can’t help but wonder about how much simpler and easier my life would have been if NOW Money had existed back then. I would’ve had instant, hassle-free access to my salary. No long lines, no waiting. Just the financial freedom and convenience that everyone deserves.

With NOW Money, thousands of low-income workers get instant access to their salary, can have more control over their funds, and enjoy greater security by avoiding the risks associated with handling cash. Our services empower individuals to manage their finances more effectively and make better financial decisions.

It’s a privilege to work for a company that is making a real difference in people’s lives. It’s not just a vision we believe in—it’s a future we are trying to build every single day. And I couldn’t be prouder to be part of a company that’s committed to making such a difference.

So, the next time you’re standing in line at the bank, remember the countless others who still don’t have that same opportunity. Let’s continue to advocate for financial inclusion and support companies like NOW Money that are working to make it a reality.

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